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Tyres: Your Journey Starts with Quality

At Chevron Enterprises, we understand that the performance of your commercial vehicles hinges on the quality and reliability of their tires. Our extensive range of tires caters to the diverse needs of bus and truck operators, ensuring safety, efficiency, and durability on the road.

For Buses:

  1. 275/70R22.5-16PR: This tire is designed for superior performance in demanding bus applications. The 16-ply rating ensures enhanced load-carrying capacity and stability. It offers excellent traction, steering response, and long-lasting wear, making it an ideal choice for bus fleets.

  2. 275/70R22.5-18PR: The 18-ply rating of this tire takes load-carrying capacity to the next level. It’s engineered to handle heavier loads with ease, while the high-quality construction ensures exceptional durability. Whether it’s urban transit or long-haul journeys, this tire excels in both.

  3. 295/80R22.5-18PR: This tire offers robust performance with an 18-ply rating, making it suitable for buses that need to handle heavy loads and challenging road conditions. It provides excellent traction, even wear, and a long service life, ensuring reliable transportation.

For Trucks:

  1. 315/80R22.5-20PR: Designed to meet the demands of heavy-duty trucking, this tire boasts a 20-ply rating for exceptional load-carrying capability. It provides reliable grip on the road, optimal control, and resistance to wear and tear, making it a top choice for trucks that traverse long distances with heavy cargo.

  2. 385/65R22.5-20PR: This tire is engineered for trucks that need to transport large and heavy loads with ease. The 20-ply rating guarantees superior strength and durability. It offers excellent stability, even wear, and efficient fuel consumption for long-haul trucking.

Why Choose Chevron Enterprises Tyres?

Quality Assurance: All our tires undergo rigorous quality control processes to ensure that they meet or exceed industry standards. You can trust in the reliability and performance of our tires.

Diverse Sizes: We offer a wide range of tire sizes to accommodate different vehicles and applications. From buses to heavy-duty trucks, we have the right tires to match your requirements.

Enhanced Load Capacity: Our tires are designed with higher ply ratings to handle heavier loads, ensuring safety and stability on the road.

Durability: Chevron Enterprises tires are engineered to withstand the challenges of the road, providing long-lasting performance and reducing the frequency of replacements.

Efficiency: With a focus on even wear and fuel efficiency, our tires help you optimize your vehicle’s performance and operating costs.

At Chevron Enterprises, we understand that the success of your transportation business relies on the quality of your tires. Whether you operate buses or trucks, our range of tires offers the perfect balance of durability, performance, and cost-efficiency. Your journey starts with quality, and we are here to provide it. Explore our selection of bus and truck tires to find the right fit for your fleet.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)